Students & Social Media

Not too long ago the highlight of our day was hearing “You’ve got mail!” Those were simpler times when we didn’t have to worry so much about offending people with what we posted or someone sharing our status. But now, social media allows anyone, including students, to make any part of life much more public. […]

The Role of Social Media for the School Resource Officer

School resource officers (SROs) are now the gatekeepers to an untapped wealth of information. At their fingertips are computer databases containing well-networked contact information of every student who has attended the school, along with photographs and behavior reports. SROs can also utilize social networking web sites which offer staggering amounts of information. These resources allow […]

Buying Drugs on Instagram: It’s easier than you think

Thought Instagram was for showing off selfies or sharing pics of your vacation in order to be the envy of your friends? Apparently not…it’s now become the ideal place to connect with drug dealers. The word “obvious” is an understatement for how these dealers operate. With usernames like “ihavedrugs4sale” and drug-riddled posts/pictures, these users eagerly […]