Social media adds a whole new layer to the employment process, particularly from a Human Resources and Corporate standpoint. It’s no longer “just” social media – the online conversations provide a wealth of information that is easily collected and used to make many decisions, and employment issues are no different. From the hiring process […]
Bankruptcy Courts See Social Media Accounts as Property
Small to mid-size business owners put their heart and soul into their companies, often times using social media to promote and talk about their business. What happens when an owner sells the business, or worse, goes bankrupt? What happens to the social media accounts? Very recently, a gentleman found out. He owned a gun […]
An Instagram Post Was the Last Straw…
True story of a high school athletic coach and how she sealed her already shaky fate with the organization she worked for… A coach was hired for a high school athletic team. While young and inexperienced, the season started off okay. However, as the season progressed, it became clear that perhaps this coach was […]
One Post Causes Chaos For The Zoo…
One simple post caused an uproar for Brookfield Zoo guests recently. The following picture was posted by a Brookfield Zoo employee, apparently while at work and in front of a concession stand of sorts. To further indicate she was in fact at her place of employment when this picture was posted, she tagged her location […]
Why Social Media Makes a Difference in Jury Selection
The jury selection process is an art in some ways. There is limited time to get a full perception of potential jurors – who will serve as the “best” juror for the trial and who may be a detriment to your case. An article I came across from the Orange County Litigation News publication talks […]