Digging into the web is a great way to discover answers to just about any question you may have. Heck, there are even multiple search engines you can use other than Google for gathering different information. It makes anyone quickly realize that the web is deep and has some very dark places. How to navigate, what to use ,and how to protect privacy all at the same time, is a challenge for anyone these days.
One of the very best places to start is by taking a look at what tools are readily available for free and how to use them. We put together a few of the tools that you could easily start using today!
- Duck Duck Go: https://duckduckgo.com/ This is a great way to search anything without being tracked. Want to search Incognito? This is the place to go.
- PeekYou: https://www.peekyou.com/ PeekYou collects and combines scattered content from social sites, news sources, homepages, and blog platforms to present comprehensive online identities. PeekYou brings a new perspective to people search.
- Google Advanced Search: https://www.google.com/advanced_search Just like its name, this allows you to conduct more complex searches easily.
Open Source Intelligence tools can help you gain the insight you are looking for without a huge amount of time and work. Be aware however, that many of these sites are up today and gone tomorrow, so keeping abreast of the new ones out there is paramount in using this
form of research. Some examples include tools that help you in general searching, keyword, geofencing, deep web, dark web and social media to name a few.
Just as there are different ways in which to search the deep web, there are also many companies out there that can do the work for you, for a price. These range from do-it-yourself software platforms to providing a finished report of information.
eChatter provides options for OSINT, giving the client the control over exactly what they want to uncover.