Uber has been making news recently, as their background screening policy has come under fire. They recently settled two class action lawsuits regarding their additional “Safe Rides Fee.” The issue wasn’t necessarily the additional fee (which will not go away, but will be changed to a “booking fee”), which Uber states is necessary to offset […]
Human Resource Materials
Hiring? Here’s a Reason To Use a Formal Monitoring Service
It’s no surprise that hiring managers are turning to social media when making hiring decisions; in fact, research indicates that at least half of hiring managers will use social media research. Job candidates are encouraged to clean up their public facing social media content when job seeking, and with good reason. However, before your firm […]
Will What You Post on Social Media Affect Your FICO Score?
While that’s not happening yet, it may play a role in the future. The latest news reveals that FICO is rolling out a potentially new way to determine credit scores. This new method, referred to as FICO XD, is being used as a pilot program. According to the website, this new FICO score will be […]
Heads Up To High School Seniors and Job Seekers
Times change, people change, and social media habits change. Regardless, when it comes to social media, our “past selves” live on indefinitely. While there’s been plenty out there that attempts to educate people on their “online persona” and serves constant reminders about being responsible and presenting your “best self” on social sites, people tend to […]
Best Practices For New Hires, Employees, & Former Employees
Social media adds a whole new layer to the employment process, particularly from a Human Resources and Corporate standpoint. It’s no longer “just” social media – the online conversations provide a wealth of information that is easily collected and used to make many decisions, and employment issues are no different. From the hiring process […]