Snapchat gained success soon after its launch due to its one of a kind feature. No matter what type of snap you post, no one could take a screenshot or save it without your knowledge. If you post a picture on your Snapchat account, it stays there for a good 24 hours and then it’s […]
The Importance of Preserving Social Media Evidence
Social media has changed the way we communicate and live. We feel the need to document our entire life, from our child’s first day of school, to details of our family vacation, and even what we ate for dinner. Most of us assume our posts are completely innocent, but nowadays social media has become an […]
Myspace Lost Tons of Music and Data
If you are above the age of 30, it is more than likely that you had a Myspace account. Myspace was “the place to be” before Facebook came along. The question is: Do you know what happened to your Myspace account? Did you abandon it when you converted to Facebook? Or is it still floating around out […]
The Government Turns to Social Media for Social Security Fraud
Playing outside with your grandchildren, casting a fishing line or running a marathon can seem like harmless, healthy fun. But physical activity could lead to denial of Social Security disability benefits if your activity shows up on Facebook or Instagram. Is it fair for the government to go through your social media? On the other […]
Do You Speak Emoji?
Emojis are now a part of our culture and are being used as a way to communicate everything from emotions to soliciting drugs. Marketers are going as far as to mine emojis in social media the same way they mine data; to determine the emotion behind a brand. Some speculate it will morph into a […]