Employees and social media have been a sore spot for employers over the years. Back in the early years of social media, many employers were concerned about the amount of time employees spent in social media during an average work day. Their concerns centered around productivity, rather than what the employees were posting about. Fast […]
social media background check
If it Can Happen to Amazon, it Can Happen To You
Social Media: The Industry Disrupter Social media continues to be a major business disrupter. For the last decade most companies and brands have been working like crazy to figure it all out. From social media marketing to social hiring reports. How does it all work? Which platform should we use to market? What is the […]
A Private Investigator’s View of Social Media Intelligence
I am pleased to share with you our first guest blog post. It is written by Larry Forletta, owner of Forletta Investigative/ Security Consulting. As a former DEA agent, Larry Forletta has established many resources in the United States and abroad. Social media investigations have changed the investigative landscape for private investigators.The forensics have been […]
Every Picture Tells a Story
How to Use it in Your Next Investigation More than 95 million photos are uploaded to Instagram every day,(as of November 2019). People love to look at pictures in social media and they love to share them. Most Instagram photos are uploaded in the moment of experience, right from a mobile phone. This can be very telling […]
Why Is HR Scared of Social Media Background Checks?
We’ve talked to many HR professionals and Private Investigators who work with clients for employment purposes. What we hear most often is that they would love to include social and online research as part of their background check but are afraid to do so. They focus on what they hear in mainstream media – social […]