Social media is a constant stream of shared photos and videos, all of which get liked, commented on, retweeted, etc. But can you spot fake news from the actual truth? “In today’s world, nobody can tell for sure that the information they receive is 100% accurate and reliable,” says Janey Lee, Ph.D., assistant professor of […]
Buying Drugs on Instagram: It’s easier than you think
Thought Instagram was for showing off selfies or sharing pics of your vacation in order to be the envy of your friends? Apparently not…it’s now become the ideal place to connect with drug dealers. The word “obvious” is an understatement for how these dealers operate. With usernames like “ihavedrugs4sale” and drug-riddled posts/pictures, these users eagerly […]
#MeToo Allegations on the Rise in Corporate USA
“People are recognizing the impact — and this is the #MeToo movement — of harassment on people, and how it can impact their careers for years.” Victoria Lipnic, acting chair, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission According to the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) the data shows a sharp increase in sexual harassment cases in 2018 […]
The Risks of Social Media in Litigation
Social media is obviously not going anywhere. You’ve heard the statistics: Facebook is approaching 600 million users, Twitter users post 90 million “tweets” per day, and the fastest growing demographic of social-media users are those over age 55. The impact of social media cannot be ignored. It is not just influencing how we communicate, but […]
Could your Social Media posts be used against you in court?
The short answer…yes and no. Want to know how? Read on! Most of us use social media to share pictures, exciting events or happenings, uplifting videos, and funny quotes. But some of us also use it as a platform for our political, religious, and social views as well as our downright brutally honest thoughts and […]