Take a look at any police log and the dating app Tinder is sure to make an appearance. Most likely in regard to luring suspects to meet at a specific location and then rob them. Earlier this year, it was reported that 6 people lured through Tinder were robbed at gunpoint in Fresno, California. They […]
Facial Recognition – Online Research
Facial recognition is something that you may want to zero in on before you begin any type of reverse image searching. If you just want to see if the photo itself is being used anywhere else online, then leaving the photo as is works well. However, what if you have a photo of a person […]
Social Media Defamation
Social media in many ways is still the wild, wild west. It is a lawless environment in which many people have been harmed by reckless comments. Over the last year, we have seen several cases in which one person was harassing another person in social media. How common is online harassment? During a January 2020 […]
Venmo Tightens Security For Users
Back in May, we posted about Venmo, the app powered by PayPal that allows users to easily send and receive money. What surprises many people, is how public the app is. To date, you can find just about anyone on the app. Not only can you find their profile, if it is set to public, […]
Social Media Updates That May Affect OSINT
By now most of us in the OSINT field have gotten used to social media updates. Remember Facebook Graph (RIP)? I remember when we would use it and think about what would happen if they took it away. Then, one day, it was eliminated. We were horrified, and wondered how we would live without it. […]