Digital Cupid Unveiled: Navigating the Dating App Evolution

In an era dominated by technology, the landscape of romance has had a profound transformation, with virtual dating apps and hookup sites emerging as the new frontier for modern connections. The rise of dating applications and websites has revolutionized the way individuals meet and form relationships, transcending geographical boundaries and traditional social norms. While these […]

From Posts to Paychecks: The Influence of Social Media in the Workplace

In today’s hyperconnected world, social media applications have become the go-to space for people to share their thoughts, feelings, opinions and experiences. While social media has endless benefits, such as staying connected with friends, family and the world at large, the boundaries between personal and professional life have never been blurrier. It is well known […]

Communicating Nonverbal Clues Through Digital Media

Body language can play an important role in investigations, as it can provide valuable clues and insights into a person’s thoughts, emotions, and intentions. Private investigators can use body language in several ways to gather information and conduct investigations. Body Language Examples So we wondered. Can the same rules be applied when reviewing a subject’s […]

Finding People on OnlyFans

OnlyFans has exploded in popularity during the Covid pandemic. It has been an outlet for people to kill a little boredom, the same way many social platforms have done. This gives all of us a plethora of additional information to find on a POI (person of interest). Finding people on OnlyFans can be tricky. We […]

Adults Contacting Minors Online

Adults contacting minors online for the purpose of sextortion or meeting up for sex continues to be a big problem. Federal investigators believe there are more than 500,000 online predators active each day and they all have multiple online profiles. The ACM’s (Adults Contacting Minors) attempt to groom their minor victims, one step at a […]

Competitive Intelligence Investigations

In the business world, one could say with confidence that everyone is spying on everyone else. It’s a given and possibly more popular within certain industries. Competitive Intelligence initiatives in business is almost critical for the business owner. Whether the company is small, medium, or large, this type of intelligence gathering is important. Now with […]

The Online Personality of Your Subject

Is the online personality of a person different from their in person personality? I recently watched a documentary on Netflix called, “Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel.” The docuseries is about a Canadian college student, Elisa Lam, who was a guest of the hotel in 2013. She disappeared and was missing for a […]

Employee Fraud in the Digital Age

In today’s digital world, employee fraud and theft is up and can cost a company a lot of lost revenue. This is an area in which a Private Investigator can be be very valuable to a loss prevention department. A recent article in the The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported two employee fraud investigations. “Home Depot just […]

Three Facebook Group Search Tips

Back in 2018, Mark Zuckerberg was focused on getting more people to engage on their platform. Facebook Groups became a very important tool to use to do just that. Facebook rolled out an algorithm known as “Facebook Zero,” and simply put, this is the reason why you most likely see Group content dominating your newsfeeds. […]

Don’t forget Hashtags!

Have you used hashtags in your online investigations? What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word hashtag or see the symbol (#)? Do you think of Twitter? Or maybe Instagram, LinkedIn, or even Facebook? Social media users notice hashtags within posts. Some users follow hashtags. Some create them […]

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words

“A picture is worth a thousand words” is an English language adage meaning that complex and sometimes multiple ideas can be conveyed by a single still image, which conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a mere verbal description. (Wikipedia) I couldn’t help but think about how pictures in social media are worth a thousand words, especially when […]

Employees’ Rights & Social Media

Employees and social media have been a sore spot for employers over the years. Back in the early years of social media, many employers were concerned about the amount of time employees spent in social media during an average work day. Their concerns centered around productivity, rather than what the employees were posting about. Fast […]

The COVID-19 Fraud Storm Continues…

When we think of fraud due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we think of individual people committing fraud. After all we are only too familiar with workman’s comp insurance scams & most recently, employee fraud. We have discussed in a previous blog post how one Fortune 500 company had a loss of over $100,000.00 after an […]

OSINT Research: The Devil’s in the Details

For those unfamiliar with the term OSINT Research, it is explained this way by Wikipedia Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is the collection and analysis of information that is gathered from public, or open, sources.[2] OSINT is primarily used in national security, law enforcement, and business intelligence functions and is of value to analysts who use non-sensitive intelligence in answering classified, unclassified, or proprietary […]

A Private Investigator’s View of Social Media Intelligence

I am pleased to share with you our first guest blog post. It is written by Larry Forletta, owner of Forletta Investigative/ Security Consulting. As a former DEA agent, Larry Forletta has established many resources in the United States and abroad. Social media investigations have changed the investigative landscape for private investigators.The forensics have been […]

Every Picture Tells a Story

How to Use it in Your Next Investigation More than 95 million photos are uploaded to Instagram every day,(as of November 2019). People love to look at pictures in social media and they love to share them. Most Instagram photos are uploaded in the moment of experience, right from a mobile phone. This can be very telling […]

How to Find Someone in Prison

Before you start your search for someone in prison it is important to know some important terms. Prison – also known as a penitentiary or correctional facility, is a place in which individuals are physically confined and are deprived of a range of personal freedoms. Individuals held within prisons and corrections facilities have been either […]

Students & Social Media

Not too long ago the highlight of our day was hearing “You’ve got mail!” Those were simpler times when we didn’t have to worry so much about offending people with what we posted or someone sharing our status. But now, social media allows anyone, including students, to make any part of life much more public. […]

The Growing Threat of Online Harassment

Online harassment has become a significant issue in today’s digital age, affecting people across various platforms and communities. According to Pew Research, 41% of Americans have personally experienced some form of online harassment. The study was published in 2021, although I am sure that number has increased over the last few years. Online harassment refers […]